This Guidance is only for students with permanent residence in European Union.
Students from countries that are not in the EU, please contact your buddies.
In case you plan to be on your Erasmus+ mobility for longer than 3 months in a row in the Slovak Republic, you need to possess Temporary Residence Permit Card (TRPC). For achieving this, you must reserve an appointment at the Foreign Police. If you have already booked your appointment, please follow this guidance:
It is necessary to bring these documents for the appointment:
- Passport (valid)
- Two photos (of you) in card format
- Confirmation from UNIZA about the money you will get - you received this at the beginning of the semester
- Confirmation about your accommodation (if you live in dormitories they will issue this document for you, in another case you have to discuss this with your accommodation provider)
- All papers that you are supposed to download right after the reservation of the appointment
- PIN code of your appointment reservation
- Health insurance card (Europe health insurance card is sufficient)
- It is necessary to know a telephone number from Slovakia (+421) on which the notification with a PIN code will be delivered when your card is ready - this number can be yours or from somebody else
- Sufficient amount of money for the issue of TRPC
- The price of the card issue depends on how fast you want to have your card ready:
- 4,5€ - the card will be available in two weeks
- 24,5€ - the card will be available in two workdays
- The mean of transport also modifies the final price:
- free - your TRPC will be available at foreign police place, for getting it, you have to reserve another appointment for card pick up
- 3€ - courier fee - the card will be delivered to the address you have provided to the police. The courier will call you on the provided Slovak number.
- Somebody that will go with you and knows the Slovak language - since nobody from policemen speaks English.
If you have all these necessities, you can go to the Foreign police and request your TRC.
Helpful information:
- Address of the Foreign Police: Janka Kráľa 1628/4, 010 01 Žilina
- Address of the Hliny V dormitory:
- Žilina
- Street name - Hečkova
- Property name:
- H3 - 2578
- H5 - 2536
- Building number:
- H3 - 5
- H5 - 12
- Address of the Veľký Diel dormitory (building GH):
- Žilina
- Street name - Vysokoškolákov
- Property name - 3119
- Building number - 22