Martin is a city near to Žilina and there is the cheapest examination for exotic diseases. Every non-European Union citizen has to undergo this examination.
We recommend you to go there by train early in the morning to avoid long waiting for the process.
The hospital is in distance just 5 minutes from the railway station in Martin by foot.


Office hours:

Monday X
Tuesday 7:00-12:00
Wednesday X
Thursday 7:00-12:00
Friday 7:00-12:00


You need to book for the date calling this phone number and  tell them that you are from University of Žilina:


What do you need:
-post address, where the results will be sent
-don´t eat anything in the morning before the examination
-drink half liter of water
-138,32€ in cash, you can´t pay by credit card

The process:

How to get to hospital from railway station

Steps in the process:

1 - On the corner of the building 5 is the doctor. There they will take blood from you and give you a 2 papers, with the first one you will go to place 2 for X-ray.

2 - (place 5.2) on the 2. floor on the right side will be a door on which will be written: RTG, here you need to wait for X-ray

3 - after X-ray you can go to pay for the examination 138,32€ in cash. You can´t pay by credit card. You will receive 2 papers. One is for you as the confirmation of payment and on the second is written: OPIS. The second one you need to give to doctor on the place number 1, where you started.

4 - After paying go to building number 6 to evaluate the X-ray. Go to right side, there will be a window. Give them the paper about X-ray.They will give you another paper with results. Go back to that place, where you started and give to the doctor the results of X-ray.

5 - Give the results of X-ray and the confirmation of payment with OPIS to doctor. Next you need to give to the doctor the address where she will sent the full result of your examination. And the process in Martin is done.


It will take 1 week untill the results will arrive. The results you need to give to foreign police as soon as possible.